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Nuove Tecnologie: Un pregevole CMS open source: FullXml

Rassegna stampa
ver. 1.02

 1. Introduction

Fullxml is an instant Web Portal System. The goal of Fullxml is to have an automated web site to distribute news and content. Main features include: web based admin, surveys, access stats page with counter, user customizable box, themes manager, friendly administration GUI with graphic topic manager, option to edit or delete stories, option to delete comments, moderation system, Referers page to know who link us, sections manager, user and authors edit, search engine, and many, many more friendly functions. Fullxml is written 80% in XSL and 20% in ASP and NO DATABASE is required. Support for multilanguage, (currently English, French, Croatian, Portuguese, Italian, Spanish, German and Macedonian) and many more to come), many themes to choose from, File Manager, categorized articles and a lot more.

Fullxml is an open source project that has started in october 2001. What means "Open source" ? That every developer can get the code, and participate by enhancing it.

Sourceforge Project Homepage :

License :

 2. FULLXML Development team

FULLXML development :


Fullxml team (support/ideas/help):


Christian Ljubicic

Marc Chouteau |

Paul Ellisson

 3. What do u need in order to run fullxml?
In order to get fullxml running you need the following things :

- Any windows version above V3.1 - a Web server, IIS (MS Internet Information server) or PWS (MS personal web server, also included on Windows 98 SE cd rom) ( , IIS (included in Win2000 & NT and for download go to )

- MSXML 4 (Microsoft XML core engine )

- Windows Installer v2.0 (OPTIONAL) This needs to be installed only if your windows installer isnt latest because MSXML need V2 of installer to install since distribution of MSXML is in .MSI format ( )

[ NOTE ] about PWS and Windows Millenium:

MS is not recomending installing PWS on Windows Millenium Edition because after installing it there can be some problems with system after that so be aware of this and rather use IIS on Windows ME. No need for PWS on Windows 2000 and NT since it comes with IIS. We founded few user responses on this issue and it seem like for some users there was no problems and for some there were excatly what MS stated.

 4. Installing FULLXML
1. Its very easy to setup fullxml if u have all the software needed so lets assume u have web server already set up either IIS or PWS.

2. Install MSXML . If u get an error saying windows installer cant install it than u must download INSTMSI (windows installer) and update your current installer version, you can download it from here : . Beware that there are two diffrent versions of it, one for WIN9X and one for WIN2K and NT. Choose the correct one for your system. Your system must be restarted and than u can install MSXML.

3. Unzip fullxml into your web root folder. Usually it is C:INETPUBWWWROOT

[ NOTE ] :

- For users with NTFS, you must give the "write" permission to the "db", "media", folders. Click right button on that folder click properties and choose permissions. To increase security you can also remove the "read" permission to the "database" folder, you can do this in same way as before or in the Internet Service Manager.

After that, open your browser and browse to http://localhost/, your website will appear...

What u now see is default site and its ready for heavy customization by you. On the left margin there is and Authorization form in wich you can login as administrator with folowing info:

login : full

password : xml

After logging in be sure to change admin pasword in SETTINGS MENU.

 5. Optional Components for FULLXML

Thanks to w3 JMail it is now possible to send and retrieve e-mail from your web site without a mail program or a mail server such as Eudora, Exchange or Outlook. With over 500 000 download JMail is the defacto standard for SMTP-components on the market.

You can download Jmail from download section.

 6. Free hosting solution on
There is a special version of FULLXML that is compatible with free hosting solution that offers . You can start your site in minutes.

Go to and do the registration (it is complete very quickly) , than download FULLXML for Brinkster from in download section, extract the archive localy and upload to your just created Brinkster account. Brinkster offer account totaly free and no ADS of any kind on your new site.

 8. Troubleshooting
Here we will post most common questions and erors posted on newsgroups.

- [ The data being processed is over the allowed limit ]

Request object, ASP 0107 (0x80020005) The data being processed is over the allowed limit. /Engine/CFullXMLEngine.asp, line 265

If this message pops up it is because each form field is limited to 102,399 bytes. You can read more about it here :;EN;q273482

So it seems that's there is solution to bypass this limit, it will be tested soon...

- [Microsoft VBScript runtime error ActiveX component can't create object: 'JMail.Message' ]

Error Type: msxml4.dll (0x80020009) Microsoft VBScript runtime error ActiveX component can't create object: 'JMail.Message' line = 33, col = 3 (line is offset from the start of the script block). Error returned from property or method call. /fullxml/Engine/CFullXMLEngine.asp, line 785

If u get this error, u didnt install JMAIL component (view components section) but u turned on ALERT options on guestbook, newsgroups...etc.. In settings menu in admin console disable Alerts option or install JMAIL component to not get this error and use this nice option.


 9. Last words
You can always get latest help on in newsgroup section and in fullxml documentation wich will be updated on regular basis. Also in proces of beeing written is FULLXML quickstart guide wich will cover the basics of setting up and building up your site in just a few minutes.

You are also invited to our website to post bugs (if any) and suggestions on how to improve FULLXML and to get latest files and updates.

We would like to say big thank you to the following people for their contributions to the FULLXML development :


Slobodan Mumovic: Macedonian

Jose martins : Portuguese

A special thanks to the beta testers:

- JY. Caron(France)

- DJC (Greece)

- Maciej Dabrowski (Poland)

- Andrija (Dublin)

- Stahelp (Czech Republic)

Postato il Sabato, 17 maggio 2003 ore 16:22:22 CEST di Salvatore Indelicato
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